

Testimonios y Reviews:

  My volunteer experience with Clave de Sur as a violin teacher was excellent and rewarding. There were mutual benefits from students to teacher. I didn't only used my skills but also learned much, being in a new environment. I enhanced my pedagogic skills through music and communication, teaching young people from different groups of ages. This experience has strengthened my confidence and skills, as well as my spanish. The supervisors, my colleagues, were very helpful and responsive, making the facilities a good place to learn, and making me comfortable to ask for anything if i needed. The atmosphere was friendly and solidary. There were many cultural projects inside and outside the school, that brought people together, with different backgrounds, accross the generations, which makes the program diverse and interesting. In general, i learnt a lot, i made good friends, i felt at home in my host family that helped me be familiar with the food, culture, people, everyday life, integration, and all that opened my eyes on the ecuadorian society and language. Ecuador is also an amazing country to visit, with many contrasted places, in general affordable and safe, it is a wonderful opportunity to be immersed fully in the culture.  
Lena Klein
  Me alegre bastante haber conocido Clave de Sur y a Ustedes, las personas increíbles que están formando esa escuela de música. Mis tres meses en el Guasmo han cambiado mi idea de hacer música y compartir la música. Muchisimas gracias por ser amigos. Siento buenas vibras y Ustedes, que tál? Guasmo Sur de mis amores para siempre ♥  
Olga Caparros
  Me acerqué un poco a vosotros, estoy en el aeropuerto de Guayaquil pero dentro de unas horas ya me estaré bastante alejando, para Francia. Fue un placer compartir con. Clave de sur que no conocía, sus talentos y alegría. También para mí fue chévere terminar mi misión de voluntariado de esta manera aunque un poco corto. // Sobre el 3er encuentro de la gira con la Red UoM.//  
Stefano Julio Mariani
  Were the best vacations in my life, i meet incredible people, i had a wonderful time with they, the language was not a problem, i think it was the best thing, but, with all the people who i was everyday, we could mix a lot of languages and, being able to speak Spanish makes difference, but, if i wouldn't, would not be the worst thing ever. I had a great time there, meet people, did a loooot of friends that will remain forever in my life, i learned a lot about they're culture. I was 100% in contact with the partners from Clave de Sur, all that was necessary to talk to any person, i always felt free and safe to talk to they. Highly recommended experience there, come back home made me feel that i really want to come back yet. If you have the opportunity to go there, meet people, meet the place, meet the culture, with the experience that i had, i would say, go, and have fun with your days in guasmo sur. I always wanna help in all that i could be well-used, and i always say, if you go and wanna be well-used, be 100% willing to do. ¡Gracias por todo Ecuador, los extraño!  
Martine P. Wallet
  Para nosotros, fue un encuentro excepcional muy rico y muy fuerte en emociones nuevas! Todos aquí estamos súper felices, admirados con todo el equipo de Clave de Sur unidos por la música. 1000 gracias a ustedes que aportaron tantos a nuestros niños 😀 fue intenso: hicieron un concierto con los famosos artistas de Guayaquil, se transformaron en el taller creando sus panderetas, palo de lluvias y maracas, tocando los tambores de los famosos y eso no tiene precio, es nuestra mayor recompensa. Todos pusimos nuestra mejor energía para que todo salga en alto, y eso, fue el resultado de un buen trabajo en equipo entre UOM, CDS y FF.  …Bueno falta los autógrafos de los famosos sobre la foto del concierto con los niños y por eso, CDS, les esperamos para otro concierto en San Vicente! "  San Vicente, Manabí (Diciembre 2014)  

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